How to Survive First-Post Fear and Begin Blogging

It’s only been eight days since I came up with the concept for this blog and I’ve already pumped out five posts. I have 14 more post ideas written out and ready to be drafted. That is absolutely crazy. Can you believe that less than a week ago, I was afraid to write my first post?? Look at me now; I can’t stop!

Before I started writing anything, I did what I always do when I’m about to start a project – glue my face to a computer and research everything I can about the topic. I’m compulsive when it comes to learning about topics of interest. Often it’s fleeting but it’s always beneficial, even if it does make me seem incredibly weird. The first thing I did, before I even created a site, was look to Pinterest. Blog, blogging, how to blog, blog tips. I rummaged through pages of pins under these searches until I found one that wasn’t trying to sell me a get-rich-quick scheme. That’s when I found The Nectar Collective. More specifically, I stumbled upon their tutorial for writing a killer about page. This became my starting point. I created a wordpress site, picked a theme, and got to work.

Customizing my site was the easy part. I even got my “About” section written and set up by following that simple tutorial. Breezy. No problems. I was so proud. I wanted to start promoting it every where… but then it hit me: I didn’t have any content yet. Why would anyone want to look at an empty site? Ugh. I had my focus but what was I supposed to write about?? I had no idea what to write for my first post. I was scared. Don’t laugh! It’s terrifying knowing that you’re about to put your own ideas out there, especially when you’re trying to represent a brand… even when it’s your own brand. I’d argue that it’s even more nerve-racking when it’s your own brand. This may very well determine what your networks (current and future) think of you. Let the crippling anxiety hit… now. Okay, maybe not crippling, I’m pretty good at ignoring anxiety, but what if I failed or embarrassed myself? I almost put it off but there was that compulsion again. I was so excited before, I couldn’t just not progress!

“Alright. I’m really doing this. What am I supposed to say? I have my focus and my about page. Do I just talk about the things I sell? Do I try to sell things to my readers? Do I just jump in? How does this work?!” 

I decided to introduce myself and the blog to my future readers. Sure, I had just written an entire page doing the same thing but it was easy and approachable so I went for it. I suppose you could call it my welcome message. I took my “About” page and copy/pasted it to my first blog-post draft. From there, I added, removed, and altered bits and pieces. I added a stock photo, set it to publish the next morning, and *BAM* first post done. Well, that was easy. In my research, I read that you need at least five posts before you start marketing in order to seem credible. So what do I write now?

The next morning while I was in the shower, where I do all my best thinking, it came to me. I got my first real idea for a post. I started writing it later that day. As I was writing, I came up with an idea for another post. Then from that, another one! I hadn’t even finished drafting my second post and I had come up with two more ideas. This seems to be a consistency – every time I write a post, I come up with at least one idea for another post. Everything I do now, I see through blog eyes. Have you ever played a lot of Tetris? I did in high school. A lot. I had too many computer classes with my friends that were essentially unsupervised. We played for hours every day. When you closed your eyes, you could see the game. It was weird. Anyway, that’s what’s happening now. Everything I do, learn, experience… it’s like I’m thinking in blog form.

I’ve since found more resources, networks, and inspirations. I’m getting a lot of positive feedback and really loving this whole process. My advice for any other n00bs out there is to just dive in head first. Surround yourself with blogging for a few days. Do a lot of searching and reading. Learn what you can before starting so that you have a head start. Really commit to the blog and marketing and don’t be afraid to ask for help. And don’t forget to keep checking back! 

Not sure where to start? Check out these killer blogging tools.

What was first-post experience like?

Welcome to My Studio — This Is Your New Home.

Hi there!

Conquer Your MountainMy name is Abigail and I own Amaureen Studios. My goal is to create beauty in the world while problem-solving and inspiring those whose paths I cross. I’m calling this the studio because this is where I’ll be sharing my creativity and insights throughout my journey in design, small business, and the field of marketing. I’m going to build a community with you guys where we can brainstorm, learn, inspire, and connect together. Go ahead and take your shoes off because this isn’t going to be formal. Imagine this blog as that house you spent all of your time at in college. You know what I’m talking about; it pretty much had a revolving door. It was THE hangout spot for all of your friends and everyone was always welcome. People were always there and something was always going on. Friends, adventures, inspiration, downtime, experiences, advice, excitement, support, successes, failures, and loads of cheap beer. We’re adults now, so we’re moving on to craft beer and red wine but the rest still holds true. I want you to help me make this blog our home away from home.

Okay, now that I’ve gone full sentimental-nostalgia on you, are you still in?

No?! You don’t want to follow some crazy woman’s blog?? UGH. FINE. (Kidding, obviously. I was never much of a blog follower before this either. I totally understand.)
Not sure yet? That’s cool, I hear you. You just met me, why should you commit to an awesome circle of friendship when you don’t even know me.
Yes?! SWEET. LET’S MAKE THIS OFFICIAL! Sign up for my newsletter. You’ll receive the password for The Library when you do, which is loaded with free resources.


We can order some Chinese food, turn on one of those awesome Spotify playlists, and start having fun! I mean, working. Seriously, though… shouldn’t your work be fun? I think so.



I help small businesses and soloprenuers develop their brand and content while empowering them with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively market their services and products in this big world.


I firmly believe that education and information are civil rights so I blog about my knowledge and experiences in regards to design, small business, and the field of marketing. The intent of this blog is to serve as a communication medium for people who have similar goals, people who admire beautiful things, and people who want to follow along with my personal journey. I hope to create a community of support and advice, not only for myself but for my followers, as well!


Good question. The only blog experience I have is from using MySpace and Tumblr in high school, almost ten years ago. So why am I doing this?? Blogging is such a time investment and not a simple feat!

I’ve been prompted by a project for a Social Media Marketing class that I’m taking this semester. I’m a senior at Radford University pursuing a Bachelors of Business Administration degree in Marketing. This project is known as The Passion Project.

The Passion Project is designed to give every student hands‐on experience in using a source of rich content and three or more social media platforms to create a social media campaign for a passion.

What kind of passion? A “passion” can be anything that you care about enough to wage a social media campaign on its behalf. A passion can be a political or social cause, a hobby, a nascent business idea, a band or music that matters to you, art, or any niche interest.


Last year I decided to start selling craft items on Etsy. I didn’t do this to make money but to make the hobby more fulfilling. Shortly after I began, I decided to change my major to Marketing because I realized how much I enjoyed that aspect of selling. When I started this blog, it was about the business side of the Etsy shop but it quickly evolved into what it is today. I just couldn’t stay away from marketing. With my background in education and marketing, I have created an entire business dedicated to helping others find their own way in the big, crazy world of marketing and social media.